Seminars & Workshops
with Anna Sizorina
According to the World Health Organization, mental health is not only the absence of disease; it is “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes their potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to contribute to her or his community.” In line with the WHO’s comprehensive mental health action plan, Anna’s workshops serve the purpose of prevention and promotion of mental health and the well-being of the participants.
Workshops Online in English

Stress is a normal part of life. We experience stress when a perceived environmental challenge exceeds our perceived personal abilities and capacities to deal with it. This situation triggers our body and mind to focus on physical survival. Stress affects the activity of all systems of the body: the nervous, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems. Early experiences shape the stress reaction; however, later experiences can reshape it.
In this workshop, you will understand how stress influences your body and mind.
Looking for Happiness

Psychiatry and psychology have long been using the illness model of health and well-being, concentrating on “dis-ease.” It is only since 1998 that Dr. Martin Seligman shifted the focus onto what allows us, human beings, to thrive. Hope and meaning appear to be beneficial to psychological well-being, even under conditions of extreme adversity. A happy state of mind is good for your health and contributes to longevity. My “Looking for Happiness” workshop is based on the teachings of Positive Psychology and gives every participant a chance to find, become aware of, feel, and cultivate their state of happiness.
Connect Before You Correct

We are born into this world as a part of a family. Supported by our first loving relationships, we dare to take the first steps into this big world. And these relationships or attachments influence our lives thereafter. Attachment insecurity can result either in timidity or aggression; attachment security, by contrast, means resilience, high self-esteem, confidence, curiosity, and creativity. The safety of emotional connection is the ground of your child’s positive physical, social, and cognitive development.
Connecting Cultures: Safe Relationships House

All family relationships are essentially cross-cultural: both spouses come from different families, each with its own unique ideas of self-worth, identity, boundaries, goals, and parenting. These differences attract and fascinate us when we fall in love. But living in an international or intercultural relationship is even more challenging. Nations differ in emotional expression, attitudes towards power, female roles, ambiguity, time, and in many other ways. In this workshop, we will explore intercultural differences in order to accept our partners and neighbors the way they are. Interested?
What Anna’s clients say
Testimonials about workshops with Anna

From Anna’s online workshop I learned a set of tools and steps on how to evaluate, accept and improve my emotional state. Anna is a trusted mental ‘mechanic’, providing me with knowledge, resources, and strength in pursuit of happiness in my home away from home.

Anna really listens and cares. Through her training and year-long experience, she is in the position to support and guide. I was fortunate enough to profit from all of this both live and online.
Anna also offers
I am an emotionally focused therapist, and counselor. With my support, you will learn how to handle your feelings, become better connected to yourself, you will find the meaning in your stories, integrate lessons from the past, and move forward into the future of your choice.
I use Emotionally Focused Therapy developed by Dr. Sue Johnson. I guide couples to make sense of their emotional interactions, and to experience how emotional connection and a felt sense of security soothes their bodies and hearts and allows them to find a safe haven in each other’s arms.
Anna also offers
I am an emotionally focused therapist, and counselor. With my support, you will learn how to handle your feelings, become better connected to yourself, you will find the meaning in your stories, integrate lessons from the past, and move forward into the future of your choice.
I use Emotionally Focused Therapy developed by Dr. Sue Johnson. I guide couples to make sense of their emotional interactions, and to experience how emotional connection and a felt sense of security soothes their bodies and hearts and allows them to find a safe haven in each other’s arms.